His Word, Kids/Parenting, Random


I’ve been thinking a lot about grace these days.

What it means to me. What it means to receive it. What it means to give it.

Merriam-Webster gives one definition of grace as ‘approval or favor.’

Another definition offered by Webster is ‘disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.’

I think this second definition embodies how we should treat others. We should give them grace in the things they say, the actions they do and even {or especially} the things they don’t say or do.

I would love to be able to say I’ve arrived in behaving this way. But the truth is, I haven’t. I’m still a work in progress.

Did I extend courtesy yesterday when I was rushing Emma out the door so we wouldn’t be late? I didn’t give my perpetually cold child enough grace to grab a jacket on the chilly-overcast day. This momma felt like a heel when I saw her goosebumps in church!

Did I give clemency to the waitress who brought me a lemon in my ice water when I specifically asked for no lemon? I’m not so sure I did.

But, and here’s the true question…would I want someone to extend grace to me for either of the above instances?

YES! Absolutely I would. Because I could say that I wouldn’t have done either of these transgressions intentionally.

And I should have known that Emma wasn’t intentionally trying to make us late. And the waitress wasn’t intentionally trying to irritate me by bringing lemon when I asked for none.

I’m also trying to accept grace…the grace of God. Webster defines this grace as, ‘unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.’

Do I want this grace? Oh yes. I do want divine assistance. Yes, I do want unmerited favor.

So, the one person who can offer it with no questions asked is Jesus. Why do I feel I have to work for grace coming from Him, and yet, naturally expect it when coming from sinful, fallible humans?

It should be that because I know people are imperfect by nature, that I extend them extra grace, knowing we all aren’t capable of giving grace the way He does.

And I should lovingly accept the gift of grace that Jesus gives with open arms. The grace He gives and keeps on giving.

Let’s try to spread and extend unmerited favor where we can. We are worth it, aren’t we?

Link-Ups, Random


Have you ever stopped to think of why you like the things you do?

Like, why you like the movies you do? I love a lot of different types of movies – action, romance, comedy, suspense. I think that I like them because of the feelings they elicit within me.

If I’m feeling particularly sappy, I’ll pull out something like ‘The Notebook’ to watch.

If I’m feeling like I want to take on {and overcome} the world, I may pull out Iron Man 2. I’ve developed quite an affinity for this movie, as it’s one of Emma’s favorites ~ weird, I know.

But what about the people in your lives? Has it ever occurred to you the reason why you like them? Why you spend time with them versus others? What about them causes you to gravitate toward them?

This is something that I’ve been pondering lately. Why I choose to spend time with those I do.

Do you spend time with certain people because of how you feel when you’re with them? Or because of how they treat you, and how that causes them to make you feel?

Do you spend time with them because you share common interests? Or common disinterests?

Do you spend time with those who challenge you? Who push you to be better? To be more?

Those who see your potential and help you strive to achieve it?

Or, do you elect to play it safe? And not interact with those who might help you evolve into something more.

When you choose who you invest in, is it someone who also invests in you? Is it someone who you know would be there for you no matter what?

Or do you take more of the servant perspective? That you’re there to serve and not expect anything in return?

These questions, and the many answers, are all things that have been burning deep within my soul and my mind.

I know the answer to most of these questions for me, but the true test is to ask myself if I’m surrounding myself with the right people. Those who would match my answers to these questions.

Furthermore, if the people in my life don’t align with my responses, then am I brave enough to do something about it?

Are you?

His Word, Series


It’s kind of the end of an era. Most Fridays for the past year and a half, I have linked up with Lisa-Jo Baker to write for Five Minute Friday – where we write for, yep, you guessed it, five minutes, on a one word prompt.

As she indicates on her blog today, she is passing the baton after today. This will be my last Five Minute Friday post linking with Lisa-Jo Baker. I have mixed feelings about this, as her prompts have helped me write on specific days, as well as opening the door to my creativity on other days.

Today’s prompt is: Begin

It’s fitting to me that this is my first post on my new blog/website and the prompt for today is begin. I am beginning a new adventure. One in which I can’t see the end. I can’t see how this story writes itself. I guess that’s my role. To write my own story.

To make it what I want it to be. 

It’s time to begin…living…loving…writing. The way I know He wants me to. The way that brings Him glory.

He tells us in Isaiah that we are to forget the former things and not to dwell on the past. That He is doing a new thing.

We need to watch for that new thing. And be ready to participate in it. Not let it pass us by. Let Him make His way in our wilderness.

In the wilderness of our hearts.

In the wilderness of our minds.

In the wilderness of our lives.

Be ready…to begin a new thing. To allow Him to begin a new thing within your life.

He is ready to throw open the floodgates of heaven to pour out so much blessing that we will not have room enough to receive it. {Malachi 3:10}

Let’s let Him. Let’s not be so hesitant when He brings things across our paths. Even if we perceive them to be negative, He will work it for our good.

Are YOU ready to begin?