His Word, Kids/Parenting, Series


This post was originally published as part of #fiveminutefriday on March 14, 2014

TGIF! I’m excited to be here with you again on a Friday; writing the Five Minute Friday Challenge byLisa Jo Baker.

This week the prompt is ‘crowd.’

To my Emma: my one prayer is that you be strong enough to stand up to the crowd. That you are able to pave your own way and know in your core what’s right and wrong. I just read this morning of a 16 year old that ended up so close to death because she decided to raid her father’s liquor cabinet with her cousin. She had 2 beers and 6 shots…her blood alcohol level was high enough to kill a grown man. I pray you will know and understand that at 16, you have no business messing around with things which can impair you in this manner. She followed the crowd.

I also read of a young girl who decided she didn’t want to follow the crowd. She had taken her younger sister bra shopping and was so disgusted at the ‘options’ available to her sister, that she decided to create her own bra for the preteen and teenage girls who aren’t looking to have their cup sizes ‘enlarged’…there’s enough time for that…trust me. She didn’t follow the crowd.

To my Elijah: my one prayer is that you have a voice that others will follow. That others will be drawn to you and you will lead them on the path of righteousness. That you will not succumb to the society’s objectification of women; that you would see we are all beautiful in our own right. That you will be a Godly man in this God-less world and you will stand up for the ‘weaker’ sex.

I pray that you will understand what it really means to be a superhero. That it’s not about the glory received, but rather the glory given to our Creator that really matters.

My overwhelming desire in life is that I show you both what it means to stand out from the crowd. To go after what you desire, but all the while, showing kindness and compassion to those around you. To fight for your beliefs and never. give. up. while being a voice of encouragement. The world needs more of that.

My prayer is, in its basest form, that you will recognize the crowd for what it is and remember that God made you to be unique. We aren’t all meant to be alike and following along the same path.

I’ll love you forever. I’ll like you for always. As long as I’m living, my babies you’ll be…

Your Momma

His Word, Series

Catching Fire, the Real Enemy, and Our Weapons

With the release of ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ on disk yesterday, I think it’s only fitting to use this movie to illustrate a point.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the book, and now movie, series, Katniss is the main female character and Peeta is the main male character. They were victors in a modern Gladiator-style ‘game’ in the first move ‘The Hunger Games.’ In the second movie, ‘Catching Fire,’ they are sent back to the game or arena, with the other remaining victors to viciously battle it out. One other important character, played by Woody Harrelson, is Haymitch, their mentor. It is his job to help prepare them, physically, mentally, and emotionally, for the battle.

Ok, now that you’re mostly up to speed, here’s where things get good. In Catching Fire, Haymitch is prepping Katniss for the arena. She is just beside herself that she has to go back, since winning the games has generally bought you a ticket out of future games. In her thinking, she views all of the other contestants as the enemies. She is trying to get herself in the mindset that, in order for her to win again, she will need to kill all of the others.

During one scene, Haymitch tells her, “Katniss, when you’re in the arena…you just remember who the enemy is.”

See, Haymitch wanted her to remember that the other contestants in the ‘game’ are forced to be there, just like she is. They don’t want to kill any more than she does. They are pawns in the government’s game just as she is.

I think that we believers could take a cue from Haymitch to remember who the real enemy is. We need to remember who we are truly fighting against. Recall what Ephesians 6:12 tells us:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

In his commentary, Matthew Henry says that, “The combat is not against ordinary human enemies, not merely against people made up of flesh and blood.” See, most people think that the people we encounter during our daily lives or our arena, are ‘out to get us’ or are being difficult because that’s who they are to their core. But that’s not the truth. The truth is that they are simply pawns in the enemy’s games. He is using them to achieve his purposes.

Matthew Henry goes on to say, “Our enemies fight to prevent our ascent to heaven…because we grapple with spiritual enemies; we also need faith in our Christian work, because we need to draw in supplies of spiritual strength.” The devil wants nothing more than to keep you, yes YOU, out of heaven. He wants to see you suffering an eternal damnation, separated from God.

Because we are fighting this battle, we need to have supplies of our spiritual strength. Which is where Paul further goes on to tell us in verses 13-17 to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand our ground. He instructs us to stand firm with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace, and to take up the shield of faith. Finally, he tells us to take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

All of these weapons prepare us for the spiritual warfare that is going on around us and within us.

We, as believers, need to remember the words of our Savior Jesus Christ, found in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

It is not the desire of our loving, heavenly Father that we would perish or that we would fall prey to the enemy. He desires that we would come into a relationship with Him and draw upon His strength, use the weapons we have available to us, and bring others to Him.

Ephesians 6:17 instructs us to, “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Fellow believers, lets put on the full armor of God this morning and attack the real enemy and not one another.

His Word, Kids/Parenting, Series, Soul Relationships


Originally published as part of #fiveminutefriday on March 7, 2014

Today’s Five Minute Friday topic is willing…so here goes, 5 minutes straight of writing, no questioning, no second guessing, no stopping and reading…

Willing – am I willing to do all of the things I need to do to be effective and good as a person and especially as a mother? Am I willing to be changed and molded into what Jesus has for me?

One thing that sticks out in my mind is the phrase, “Who you are at home is who you are.” Well, I can honestly say that I don’t like that person from the past few days. Two nights ago, my children were being their creative selves. Elijah was working on his Pinewood Derby car and Emma wanted to paint as well, so I found a little wooden crate for her to paint.

Now, let me tell you that Emma has expressed an interest in art. Me? Not so much; sure, I can appreciate art, but I am not creatively inclined. So, as she is painting and being creative, she gets excited about some paint brushes I found. After she pulls out the one she wants, she puts the case down…right in the paint…oh BOY was I frustrated!

So, naturally, I expressed my frustration in exasperated sighs…which she saw and heard. And then, when she got up, I noticed a blob of green paint right where she was painting…again, exasperated sighs…which she saw and heard.

Now, fortunately (for me AND her) this was as bad as it got. There was no yelling, no temper tantrums (from the momma)…just exasperated sighs.

I felt God convicting me…so, the following morning, I apologized to her. I apologized for making her feel as though her mistakes were the end of the world. For making her feel as though she’s not ALLOWED to make mistakes (never mind the fact that I make about a gazillion of them DAILY – that’s another topic for another day). I apologized for stifling her creativity by making her feel that her work space had to be perfect. I even shared with her that it was so easy to wipe up, since the paint was still wet. And even if it hadn’t been, it was WATER-BASED PAINT!

And then I gushed about how incredibly awesome her creation is. I told her that I wanted to start seeds in it…and put it on display for all of the world to see. And I shared with her that I love her creativity and how I wish I had some of it!

Then I began to think about the phrase “Who you are at home is who you are.” I don’t want to be the one who is so bent on the rules and things being ‘just so’ that my kids can’t express themselves.

So, today, I’m going to be a little more WILLING to bend. A little more WILLING to just let. things. go. A little more WILLING to focus on the relationship and a little less focused on the rules. Because that’s who I want to be…at home and in the world.

What about you? What areas do you feel the Lord calling you to be more willing in? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

His Word, Kids/Parenting, Series, Soul Relationships


Originally published on March 1, 2014

This week’s Five Minute Friday writing challenge is on the word ‘Choose’ so I got to thinking about all of the things I get to choose.

The things I get to choose can be minor, like, I get to choose when I will get out of bed in the morning. I get to choose what I will wear. I get to choose what I will eat for breakfast.

The things I get to choose can also be major, like, I get to choose where we will live. I get to choose what school my children will attend. I get to choose what church we will go to, or even IF we will go to church. I get to choose how to raise my children.

See, all of the things I get to choose will somehow affect another. So, that leads me to question, what are the things I am choosing? Will they benefit another? Or will they tear another down? What are the words I’m choosing?

We, as women, and especially as mothers, have upwards of a hundred thousand choices per day. Where are the things I’m choosing leading me? Are they leading me for greatness? Are they leading me and my loved ones down a path of destruction?

The bible tells us in Matthew chapter 7 to “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (v. 13-14).

So, are the things I get to choose leading me down the wide and broad road that leads to destruction? Or do the things I get to choose, those seemingly minor and those major, leading me and my loved ones through the small gate and down the narrow road?

Kids/Parenting, Series, Soul Relationships


In continuing with moving content, here is a post originally published February 21, 2014.

They are small. In size. But yet they are so big in my heart. My two beautiful children.

They are smart, they are sassy, they are my reason for living, for thriving, for surviving.

They are small. But the moments are BIG in meaning.

The small, everyday, ordinary moments which translate into one big lifetime of occasions and memories.

These small moments of breakfast at the island in our kitchen. Our kitchen that I LOVE preparing meals for them in.

These small moments of devotions at dinner time, which turn into small stories of our days. Small stories, small days, in the BIG story of our BIG God.

Oh how I hope that my small moments make for BIG meaning in the lives of my children. Who are small. In size. But yet they are so big in my heart. My two beautiful children.