Book Reviews, His Word, Link-Ups

Book Review – Disillusioned

Ok folks…summer took a serious toll on this gal. Kids…everywhere. Productivity…nowhere!

I have so many books that I was given copies of, in return for an honest review here in my space on the interwebs…and I’m sooooo far behind!

But, I have to tell you, the most recent book I read, Disillusioned by Christy Barritt was seriously amazing! I haven’t had the opportunity to read such an engaging thriller in a long time.


The brief summary is that the main character, Nikki, has a brother that escaped from a detainment camp in Columbia. Since he escaped, he hasn’t been the same. What’s more is that it appears that he is being framed for acts of terrorism.

From the moment I turned the first page, Christy had me hooked. This was the first book of her’s that I read. Needless to say, I’ll be finding more.

The author’s writing style is easy to follow and with the way she ends chapters, you can’t help but start a new one immediately. Bookmarks? Those are for quitters.

Through every twist and plot turn, you find yourself rooting for Nikki, her brother Bobby, and their friend, Kade, who is helping them uncover the layers of deceit.

This book also has an underlying element of faith. When the story begins, we find Nikki disillusioned with her faith and religion overall. As the story unfolds, we gain a better understanding of why Nikki questions and second-guesses her belief in God and His overall goodness.

If you enjoy reading a good, clean suspense thriller, with a faith factor added in, then this book is definitely for you!

Book Reviews, His Word, Link-Ups

Book Review – More Than Rivals

Hi Friends!

Over the past 4-5 years, I’ve had the opportunity to read and review several books. The books are always given to me, and in return, I provide an honest review here.

This time, I have the honor and privilege to write my husband’s words here for the review of the book More Than Rivals: A Championship Game and a Friendship That Moved a Town Beyond Black and White by Ken Abraham.


I requested this book from the publisher with the intent to write my own review. I thought it sounded like an inspiring and hope-filled message. I didn’t even have the chance to grab the book before my husband did…and he was off and running. I think he enjoyed the book, considering I didn’t really ‘talk’ to him during the 3-4 days it took him to read it.

Here’s what he has to say…

This book is a story of two boys, one Caucasian,Bill Legion, and one African American, Eddie Sherwin. The setting is Galleatin, Tennessee in the 1960’s. In this time and place, race was still a dividing issue in all arenas — church, school, stores.

These two boys are blinded to race by their love of a sport…basketball. To them, skin color is far less important than their passion for playing on the court.

As quickly as their friendship begins as young boys, it is uprooted when Eddie’s family moves to the other side of Gallatin. Eddie then attends Union school.

The two boys grow into young men who both excel in academics as well as athletics.  Although they no longer have the opportunity to see each other other on a regular basis, the local newspaper coverage allows them both to continue to follow one another and their success on the basketball court.

As the 60’s come to an end, the city of Gallatin is faced with the dilemma of consolidating two schools into one.  Both Gallatin and Union basketball teams are undefeated and it seems that for the first time ever, the boys’ paths are about to cross for the district championship.  It is around this time, the town is on edge with trying to figure out how both sides will coexist.  Eddie and Bill however, remain focused on the game they both love so much.

In what truly must have been a game of the ages, neither team backed down and fought like they never had.  Their respective communities filled the stands and the atmosphere had everyone on edge.  Local KKK groups were in attendance and did not make it any easier.

Sadly, we live in a world where race is still an issue. These boys remind us what it is to be followers of God.  God doesn’t discriminate, so why should we?  This book will move you to re-evaluate how you are living life and what areas still need improvement.  I wish I could be more like Eddie and Bill.

Special thanks to my husband for his review of this book. I’m adding it to my ever-growing ‘To Be Read’ pile.

His Word, Kids/Parenting, Link-Ups


A messenger can be found in many places, in many spaces. Just yesterday, I had two very special messengers.

The first messenger came to me when I was feeling discouraged about where I am in my bible reading plan, because I’m behind. Not to mention the fact that I was not feeling an overwhelming connection to the text.

And then, out of the blue, one of my favorite people sent me a message with these words:
“1 Kings 18:30b, ‘And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.’
Rightly dividing the Word of truth faithfully is like Elijah’s careful and meticulous preparations on the altar. Obedience and faith came before the fire.”
WOW! Talk about right. on. time. I needed this message from this messenger. I needed to hear that the important thing is not the timing of my bible reading, but the fact that I am faithfully in His Word. That I am reading and dissecting and trying to grasp the truth of His word. That I’m trying to not be just a hearer, but also a do-er of His Word.
This, yes this obedience of being in His Word daily. The faith that His Word does not return void. Yes, these come before the fire. These come before the miracles.
The second messenger was found in a song on the radio and the scripture on my wall. I was enjoying the company of a special guest in my home last night.
While we were sitting there, Jeremy Camp came on the radio. He was singing about walking by faith. At that point, I turned to my wall where the words of 2 Corinthians 5:7 are emblazoned. These words that were placed with careful consideration before I even had the hopes of owning my home…my little slice of heaven here on earth. These words that remind me that this home is my blessing. It has MY name on it. And if it’s my blessing, no one can take it from me.
At that moment, I had to smile. I had to smile knowing that God, in His infinite wisdom, gives us just what we need when we need it. The good and the bad. And I knew, while enjoying my guest’s company, that one day, God will give me what I need, right when I’m ready for it and not a moment too soon. I need only to walk by faith. And keep rightly dividing His Word of truth. Faithfully.
His Word, Kids/Parenting, Random



I once read that things are different in the hands of different people.

For example, a paintbrush is much different when in the hands of Monet versus a child.

A basketball is much different in the hands of Michael Jordan than those of Babe Ruth.

A piano sounds much different when played by the hands of Mozart than when played by the hands of a first year piano student.

Clay turns out to be something much more inspired when molded by Leonardo da Vinci than when turned and shaped by a college student in an elective course.

One of the best examples I can think of to illustrate this is with the two fish and the five loaves of bread.

In Luke 9, there was a crowd of people surrounding Jesus and His disciples waiting and yearning to be taught. But, as Jesus repeatedly taught us, we need to meet people where they are before attempting to minister the Word of God to them.

This crowd was hungry, so Jesus told His disciples, “You give them something to eat.”

They replied, “We only have five loaves of bread and two fish-unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.”

If you are familiar with the story, you know that Jesus takes the bread and the fish, and, “looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them.”

The story further goes on to tell us that everyone ate to their satisfaction and there was still plenty that was left over.

Two fish and five loaves of bread go much further when in the hands of Jesus than when in the hands of His disciples.

When I apply this to my life, I realize that my circumstances, my children, my blessings, my challenges are all different in my hands than in the hands of others. While I may long for an easier road, or different blessings, I realize that God can’t accomplish what He wants to in me and through me without giving me what is in my hands.

Only I can prepare my children for the life God has for them; no other mother could do that. Only I can share with others my struggles as a single parent and give them hope that they, too, will come out on the other side – and stronger for it.

Only my words will breathe life into an experience I’ve lived; one that will deeply move and touch the heart of another.

So, friends, on this day, instead of looking at your situation and wondering why this is the hand that God has dealt you, thank Him that He chose you for this great work. Work that only you and your hands can accomplish for His greater purpose.

His Word, Kids/Parenting, Link-Ups


Sometimes I wonder if we’re close enough. Not as in geographically. Or even in the same house.

But are we close enough that it’s going to mean something when they get older. When they want to talk about things that really matter.

Do they genuinely see me as a refuge? As a safe haven? As someone who really has their back? Are we that kind of close?

I know at some point, they will turn to their peers before they turn to me. But, do we have that close-knit bond that will allow them to understand that, despite what predicament they get into with or without their friends, they can call home? They can call their Momma…and I will listen or help.

I want to be close enough to them that when they get older and they get into a wrong relationship, they can call me and I’ll listen without judgment or even negative non-verbal communication.

Will they know that I just have their best interests at heart?

Are we close enough for them to know that they can rely on me to be there when their friends decide to drink and drive and they aren’t comfortable getting into the car with them?

Are we close enough for them to know that they can rely on me to be there when they decide to drink and NOT drive and they need a ride home?

Am I laying the foundation, daily, that is required for us to be this kind of close?

Am I putting in the hard work, the dedication, the time necessary to make this kind of close a reality?

Am I praying the hard prayers that seem to go out into the abyss, only to be answered many days, weeks, months, and years later?