His Word, Kids/Parenting

Day 2 – View

Well, I’m back for day 2 of the 31 day writing challenge. I’m only on the second day and already I’m feeling the pinch of this challenge. But, it’s a good feeling because it means I’m stepping out of my comfort zone.

Today’s prompt is: View.

I wonder how I’m shaping their view. Particularly hers.

How is what I’m doing, saying, and feeling being portrayed to their little influential minds? Am I shaping their minds and their views for the better?

Am I helping them to view the world in a realistic, and yet positive manner?

Through my actions, and hopefully my heart, I desire to demonstrate servant hood, Jesus-style.

So, when I make that extra meal for another family, do they see my view? That sometimes the need extends beyond our front door.

When I explain that not everyone learns at the same pace, do they see my view? That sometimes people have their own set of challenges, but that doesn’t make them any less worthy of our love or respect?

Am I helping to color their world-view in such a manner that they will make a difference? Not just in worldly ‘big’ ways, but in Jesus-style small ways? In the daily details.

His Word, Random, Series

Day 1 – Move

So, here we are, on October 1. The first day of the ‘five minute free writes’ writing challenge. Today’s prompt is: move.

Move. I’ve heard it said that if you can’t sense God’s presence in your life, you can be assured that He is not the one who has moved; you have.

Try as I might, I can’t understand why anyone would move away from God. Yet, we do it everyday in the choices we make. In the small choices and the big ones.

It’s the same in any relationship. If you’re not consciously moving TOWARD someone, you’re moving away from them. I suppose that we are always constantly moving. Either toward someone or away from someone.

It’s all up to you which way you chose to move.

I know that I want to be consciously moving toward those people who love me and want what’s best for me. This includes God.

I want to draw nearer to those who cherish me and our relationship. Those who also have a desire to move toward me. Those who can take one look at the worn expression on my face or hear my exasperated voice on the other end of the line and know that I need a hug. Or some positive words of encouragement.

These are the people that I need to surround myself with. This includes God. He knows all and sees all.

And I have to remember these words…


Until tomorrow for day #2…blessings to you in His name.


His Word, Series

31 days of Five Minute Free Writes

Well, it’s the eve of October 1. It’s hard to believe that October is upon us.

Every October, hundreds, no, thousands of bloggers/writers come together to write every day during the month of October. I first learned of this via Kate Motaung here. I link up with Kate most Fridays for the Five Minute Friday writing challenge.

So, the Five Minute Free Writes is a challenge within a challenge…write every day during the month of October for 5 minutes. Ok, I accept this challenge. This is not going to be easy for me, but what challenge ever is? For me, it’s going to be finding 5 spare minutes to sit down at my computer and just write.

But, for any of you who want to follow me, you can do so here on my website. Also, you can find more details here, including the schedule of the prompts and where/how to link-up.

For ease, the schedule is also below. I hope you’ll find your way back here.


Wed. Oct. 1 — Day 1 :: Move  
Thurs. Oct. 2 — Day 2 :: View 
Fri. Oct. 3 — Day 3 :: Prompt revealed Oct. 2 at 10pm EST for Five Minute Friday
Sat. Oct. 4 — Day 4 :: Learn
Sun. Oct. 5 — Day 5 :: Stuck 
Mon. Oct. 6 — Day 6 :: Know
Tues. Oct. 7 — Day 7 :: Go
Wed. Oct. 8 — Day 8 :: Say
Thurs. Oct. 9 — Day 9 :: Join
Fri. Oct. 10 — Day 10 :: Prompt revealed Oct. 9 at 10pm EST for Five Minute Friday 
Sat. Oct. 11 — Day 11 :: Teach
Sun. Oct. 12 — Day 12 :: Rest
Mon. Oct. 13 — Day 13 :: Work
Tues. Oct. 14 — Day 14 :: Away
Wed. Oct. 15 — Day 15 :: Life
Thurs. Oct. 16 — Day 16 :: Adjust
Fri. Oct. 17 — Prompt revealed Oct. 16 at 10pm EST for Five Minute Friday 
Sat. Oct. 18 — Day 18 :: Taste
Sun. Oct. 19 — Day 19 :: Honor
Mon. Oct. 20 — Day 20 :: Fear
Tues. Oct. 21 — Day 21 :: Second
Wed. Oct. 22 — Day 22 :: Guest post (Prompt TBA)
Thurs. Oct. 23 — Day 23 :: Look
Fri. Oct. 24 — Prompt revealed Oct. 23 at 10pm EST for Five Minute Friday
Sat. Oct. 25 — Day 25 :: Enjoy
Sun. Oct. 26 — Day 26 :: Visit
Mon. Oct. 27 — Day 27 :: Free 
Tues. Oct. 28 — Day 28 :: Wake 
Wed. Oct. 29 — Day 29 :: Unite
Thurs. Oct. 30 — Day 30 :: First
Fri. Oct. 31 — Day 31 :: Prompt revealed Oct. 30th at 10pm EST

His Word, Kids/Parenting, Random, Soul Relationships


There is something about this time of year that makes me want to pull back – to retract into myself and reflect. Be introspective. Become like a bear and begin my preparations to hunker down and hibernate for the winter season.

It’s seasons like this in which I begin to analyze my relationships – with everyone from God to my kids.

I look at the activities I’m involved in and those my kids are involved in. I reflect on what I’ve accomplished this year, and what, if anything still needs completed.

So far:

  • I’ve read 16 books of my goal of 24 for the year.
  • I had a HUGE purging/organizing session in July. My home feels better and I feel a *little* more organized.
  • I still have my daughter’s closet to purge/organize {let’s be real, this may wait until she’s out of the house!}
  • I still need to get a blogging schedule established.
  • I still need to follow said schedule.
  • I’ve completed, I dunno, somewhere between 4-6 Hello Mornings bible studies.
  • I still need to finish my Bible in a Year plan. {I’m about 5 months behind on that one!}
  • I still need to learn to lean into His grace and accept when I can’t mark things off of my ‘To Do’ list.
  • My kids are in AWESOME classes this school year.
  • Elijah is crazy improving in baseball this year, due to an amazing coach!
  • Emma actually decided to give softball a chance, and she’s not half bad! {which is a total shock to my system!}

But the biggest thing that I have yet to cross off my ever growing task list can be found in one of my favorite Bible verses…Psalm 46:10a, “Be still and know that I am God.”

My absolute favorite version of this verse is in the NASB version. It reads:

“Cease striving and know that I am God.”

Cease striving…REALLY?

Dictionary.com defines cease this way: “to stop; discontinue.”

Dictionary.com defines striving this way: “to exert oneself vigorously; try hard.”

So, basically what I’m telling you is that I can’t. stop. trying. hard.

I can’t stop exerting myself…to please others…to accomplish more…to be more involved…to cross things off of my list.

To just BE STILL

I am Type A all the way.

This is something that God will need to do a miraculous work within me to accomplish. But He is faithful. He is good. He is just. He is love.

And thankfully, He will accept me just the way I am. But, by His grace, He loves me too much to leave me that way.

So, as I enter into this season of my life, of this year, please pray with me that He will continue to do a good work in me. That I will learn to lean into His grace. Into His rest.

Jesus tells us we can, “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” {Matthew 11:28-30}.

And that I can just be. still.

His Word, Series


So, as I’m starting this post, it’s 8 minutes until midnight…it’s almost Friday…

As with most Fridays, I’m linking up with Five Minute Friday with Kate Motaung.

Today’s prompt is…ready…

So, in my heart of hearts…I feel I’m ready. Now, I know what you’ll say…how do I know if I’m ready when I’ve never been ‘there’ before?

Because I feel it…in my heart…in my soul…in the core of who I am.

I’m ready.

I’m ready to be the wife God would have me to be.

I’m ready to be the woman I was destined to be.

I’m ready for all of it…

the sleepovers where I’m stepping over the bodies of boys in sleeping bags

the spa days with girls who are desiring to be princesses

the meals…oh the countless meals to be prepared and eaten in the kitchen that is the hub of the house

juggling schedules of 4 kids and their activities

laying in bed, next to the man that God chose for me…that is perfect for me…not that he’s perfect…but perfect for me

after the day is done…and the kids are in bed…laying there discussing the events of the day and the plans for the day to come…

knowing that, no matter what, our feet will be intertwined at some point in the 24 hour period that is a day…

God, I’m ready…I’m ready to be the Proverbs 31 woman You desire…with all of my faults and flaws and imperfections…

with the man You chose for me…the man who will embrace those imperfections and not look down upon them.

now, for the ever important question…is HE ready?