Well, I feel like I’m slowly getting ‘caught up’ here. I probably wouldn’t worry about that if I didn’t have that ‘perfectionist’ disorder going on…
The prompt for day 11 is: Teach.
For whatever reason, there is a song that comes to mind…perhaps you’ve heard it…
“I’d like to teach the world to sing; in perfect harmony…”
I think you have to have been raised in the 80’s to recognize that song as a commercial for Coke products.
I’m thinking of all of the things I want to teach my kids…
I want to teach my daughter to be compassionate when it’s not abundantly present.
I want to teach my son to be respectful of women…especially their emotions. Because they’re not always a bad thing.
I want to teach my daughter to submit to her husband as authority over the household. I want her to submit to him as he submits to Christ as Lord over his life.
I want to teach my son that women are not to be treated as subservient or as less than him.
I want to teach both of my children to stand up for what is wrong, even if it’s not the popular thing to do.
I want to teach my children to be kind to those who they feel can’t do anything for them. For that’s when kindness is truly a character trait.
I want to teach my children to address people by their names. Nothing is sweeter to someone than the sound of their own name.
I want to teach my children that family is not always about blood, but rather those who would stand beside you and fight to the end…of whatever battle you’re facing.
I want to teach my children that chivalry is not dead.
I want to teach my children to give without expectations.
I want to teach my children what it means to live a life of abandon to Jesus.
These are all things that I want to teach my children by living them. To do this, I know I must lean into Jesus and His strength. I need to rely on His sovereign nature and His goodness.