His Word, Kids/Parenting

Mother’s Day — with a Twist

I wrote this post two years ago and thought it would be fitting to share it today…

I’d like to do something a little different on Mother’s Day this year. I want to take some time to focus on the little people who gave me the much revered and respected title of “Mother.”

So today, this post is for them. This is my list of why I love being  mother to each of them.


For Emma, my girl, my first born, the one who radically changed my life in the most amazing way…here are some of the reasons I love being your mother:

  1.  your heart
  2. your singing
  3. your love for others
  4. when you ride on the lawn mower with me
  5. your love and compassion for animals
  6. the way you twirl — in any new dress, when you put on a ‘cape’
  7. how you always know just when I need a hug
  8. how you snuggle
  9. your perseverance
  10. how you always look for the good in others
  11. your forgiving nature
  12. the way you hold me accountable
  13. your tenderness with sick or elderly people — it takes a very special person to have this
  14. the time you skipped cheerleading practice (which you LOVED) to stay home with me because I was not feeling well
  15. your imagination
  16. watching you play anything and everything
  17. your genuine laugh
  18. your desire to do the right thing — at all cost
  19. when we just sit or lay and talk — about whatever is on our minds


For Elijah, my ‘baby’ and my son, the one who constantly challenges (in a good way) my patience…here are some of the reasons I love being your mother:

  1. your smile
  2. your heart
  3. your sense of humor — this has been a saving grace many days in our home!
  4. your appetite
  5. the way you constantly encourage others
  6. how you’re such a good friend
  7. how you always find things for me — you’re my ‘finder’ — and you find things I didn’t even know were lost!
  8. when you call me ‘Momma Jo’ — and the fact that I have NO idea where that came from, but it’s your special name for me
  9. how you can always make me laugh
  10. how you always look for the good in others
  11. your forgiving nature
  12. your passion for the things you love
  13. the way you notice every new and little thing about me — whether it’s new earrings, freshly painted toenails/fingernails — you’re a notice, and that’s a fantastic thing!
  14. watching you play anything and everything
  15. your imagination
  16. how you know every single character on Skylanders and what element they are and what they say when you put them on the portal (see #12)
  17. your laid back style
  18. your charisma
  19. our late night ‘pillow-talks’ where I get to hear all about your day

Some of the items are on both lists, but those are the things I’m super grateful for in both of my kids.

Some days, I’m not gonna lie, I really have to hunt for something to like about my kids…because, like all kids, they test me, they push me, they challenge me and my authority.

But if I’m truly honest with myself, my kids bring much joy to my life and have made me a better person.

I think that’s the thing about motherhood — it’s truly a calling. And it can change you in amazing ways, but only if you let it.

Mothers, I hope you all have a blessed day.

His Word, Series

Do You Control Your Thoughts? Or Do Your Thoughts Control You?

Romans 8:6 (NLT) So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. 

So many Thoughts

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your action; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become your character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”    ~Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tze~

Recently, in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, I read her opening sentence: “Let me control your mind.”

She goes on to say, “The mind is the most restless, unruly part of mankind.”

Why are our minds so hard to give up to Christ?

Why is it such a challenge to give our thoughts to Him, first and foremost?

As I peruse my bookshelf, I read titles like, “You’re Already Amazing,” “The Power of a Positive Mom,” “Love Idol,” “Hello Beauty-full,” “You’re Loved No Matter What,” “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.”

All of these titles remind me that our thought life is of the utmost importance to God. He cares not only for our external well-being, but more importantly, our internal selves.

He wants us to remember how much we are loved by Him. How much He cares for us. That He has numbered the very hairs on our heads.

That we are princesses in His eyes.

I’m preaching to myself, here folks.

These are things that I constantly struggle with. Despite knowing in my head that I’m cherished, chosen, celebrated, and created by Him. I still forget…my short-term memory loss kicks in and I think that I’m just another nobody.

I’ve been around people who are clearly giving their thought and spiritual lives to Him. They’re the ones who are at peace and calm and relaxed no matter what their external environment presents them.

Yes, I’m sure they have moments where they fall off the wagon and question and doubt God, but for the most part, they are walking hand-in-hand with Him.

I’ve also experienced times in which I’ve been the calm, relaxed, peaceful person. However, it seems lately that I’ve been the one wrecked with fear and anxiety.

How have I been managing it, you ask? Well, unfortunately, I’ve been behaving like an immature disciple. I’ve been more of a fan of Jesus than a follower.

See, a fan of Jesus is someone who’s only in it for the good that Jesus can give. A follower or a disciple has more of the attitude of Job from the Old Testament. In Job 2:10 we read his response to his wife who wants him to curse God for the troubles that have befallen them, “He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

Why should I expect to receive only good from God? Especially when Jesus tells us in John, chapter 16 that, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

He tells us right there…in red letters…that we WILL have trouble. We will have trials and sorrows. But we are to be encouraged because He has overcome the world.

There are battles still waging, but the war has been won.

If I already know who wins the war, why am I fretting? What do I have to be anxious about?

The astoundingly simple answer is: NOTHING.

But alas, being human in my imperfections, I still worry. But my worry comes more from a place of concern that God’s not handling things MY way, rather than seriously wondering if God will take care of me and always be there for me.

Because, in my heart of hearts, I know He is there. He has always been there. He will always be there.

Because I am His. And He loves me. Completely. Unconditionally. Perfectly.

And when I give Him complete control of my thought life, He will never allow me to forget this.

His Word, Link-Ups

Feeling Forgotten by God?

This is what the Lord says: “You will be in Babylon for seventy years. But then I will come and do for you all the good things I have promised, and I will bring you home again. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and will bring you home again to your own land.”  Jeremiah 29:10-14 NLT

Ever had a time in your life in which you felt forgotten by God? Who hasn’t, right?

A few seasons ago, I went through a dark, grey, gloomy season of my life.  As the weather went from the warm summer air to the crisp, colorful autumn leaves, to the colorless winter, I was facing my own monochrome world. The color of my life had disappeared right before my eyes. Some things were happening that I didn’t understand and I was just clinging for dear life to the hem of His garment.

I was hunting for hope. Hope that would only come from one place. I knew that God was in control, and I knew that He is good. All the time.

The only thing I could do during this time was focus on the many ways God had never let me down before. I had to turn my attention outward. Because the more I focused inward, the more I felt barren and bleak…

Continue reading over at Deliberate Women
His Word, Kids/Parenting, Link-Ups, Soul Relationships

What’s Your Season?

 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NLT) For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace.


Ahhhh, spring.

I love this time of year. The weather begins to get a little warmer, the flowers begin to pop up from their winter slumber, and new life is forming

Have you ever had a particularly rough season in your life? Like the seasons of the weather, seasons in our lives come and go. And most of the time, we are able to learn a lesson or two.

We know that there is a purpose for every season of life, season of the weather, season of marriage, season of parenthood. Each season has its own intent.

My husband and I love the fall. We love the changing colors, the cooler weather and, of course, football! We love the fall so much, in fact, that we chose to get married in the fall. We made the decision to have a small outdoor wedding with only our parents, our children, our siblings and their children.

The rainbow of colors on the trees, the green grass, and the brown fields served as the backdrop for our intimate ceremony.

Our fall nuptials led us right into the holidays and the winter season. I love the winter season, for different reasons. Sometimes, I feel like I should have been born a bear. I love the cold weather for hibernating. I love the smell of hot chocolate and the feel of the brisk air on my cheeks.

The winter was a tough one for us. We faced some challenging circumstances with one of his older daughters. I had a battle with my son’s father looming in the not so distant future.

And then there’s the fact that I wasn’t working. Which was a blessing in itself; however, from the time I was able to work at age 16, I’ve always had a job. I had tied my worth to my monetary contribution to the house, therefore, I was feeling pretty insecure.

Through each season change, I’ve seen God’s faithfulness demonstrated. I feel Him bring the chill of the colder weather so we can all experience a season of rest. I see the new life that is coming around the corner with the spring.

I know that each season God has me in serves a purpose. I know that the grey winter, filled with challenges, sets me up for His blessings of the spring.

But the spring is all the evidence I need that God hasn’t given up on His creation yet. This is the season of beginnings, fresh life, and new experiences.

For me, this spring is helping me to lean into God’s light. I am ready to leave behind the darkness and struggles of winter and look to the promises of spring.

I am ready for a season where my husband and I grow together, toward Christ, rather than apart. I’m looking forward to the longer days, filled with more light. Days spent outside with our children, forming new bonds based on shared experiences.

This will be my first summer as a mom without a full-time job. This summer will be a season filled with many firsts. The long summer days that bleed into the warm summer nights will afford my family opportunities to create new memories.

Memories of seasons with life-lessons and love set to the tune of the cicadas in the trees and the smell of burgers on the grill and s’mores over an open fire.

Recently, a dear friend explained seasons of life and God’s priorities to me in this way: an idea, action or priority can’t be judged by one season our your lives. The essence of who we are can only be measured at the end when all the seasons are up.

If we give up when it’s winter, we will miss the promise of our spring, the beauty of our summer, and the fulfillment of our fall. We can’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy and pleasure of the remaining seasons. We can’t judge life by one strenuous success or formidable failure.

We must always persevere through the difficult times and know that pleasant times are coming. Leave the rest to our Creator and He will show us our priorities if we seek Him through His word and prayers.

Book Reviews, His Word

The Rise of the Prophet – Book Review

Hello dear readers!

Today’s the day…I have another book review for you.

The Rise of the Prophet

Today, I’m telling you about a book called “The Rise of the Prophet” by Rodney Coe.

In The Rise of the Prophet, Rodney has written a curious and thought-provoking book.

While I enjoyed the storyline and the plot, I had difficulty following the characters. The characters were many in number, in addition to numerous groups of people.

There was a lot going on in this book. For me, this was not an easy read, but rather, required focus and concentration. With three school-aged kids always underfoot in my home this was hard to find.

I believe this book is an awesome fictional resource for someone who may be seeking more information about Christianity or is new in their faith. In my opinion, it might even be a great read for a history buff, as they would likely have the skill-set to follow along with the many characters and happenings.

Included in the back of the book is a glossary of the people and characters, as well as a map of the areas written about. This was very helpful, as there was a lot to keep track of.

Overall, this was not one of my favorite books; however, I believe it has the potential to impact many people.